X:1 T:Doxology C:Arranged for NAF by Brian Vice (half-hole version) C:Traditional - Thomas Ken, 1674 attr. to Louis Bourgeois, pub. 1551 M:4/4 L:1/4 K:E %%measurenb -1 % turn off numbering of measures because some are split B| B A G F | B c !fermata!!breath!d w:Praise God from Whom all bless-ings flow, d| d d c B | e d !fermata!!breath!c w:Praise him all cre-tures here, be-low; B | c d c B| G A !fermata!!breath!B w:Praise Him a-bove, ye Heav'-~nly Host; f | d B c e | d c !fermata!!breath!B |] w:Praise Fa-ther, son, and Ho-ly Ghost.