	T:Itsy Bitsy Spider
	C:Traditional American folk song for children
	F | B2 B B2 c | d3 d2 d | c2 B c2 d | 
	w:An|it- sy bit- sy|spi- der climbed|up the wa- ter|
	B3 z3 | d3 d2 e | f3 f3 | e2 d e2 f |
	w:spout.|Down came the|rain and|washed the spi- der|
	d3 z3 | B3 B2 c | d3 d3 | c2 B c2 d |
	w:out.|Out came the|sun and|dried up all the|
	B3 F2 F | B2 B B2 c | d3 d2 d | c2 B c2 d | B3 z2 |]
	w:rain, and the|it- sy bit- sy|spi- der climbed|up the spout a-|gain.|