X:2 T:How to play the Major Scale T:bottom hole starts OPEN %%fingering P14 M:none K:E treble L: 1/4 A | B | c | =d | e | f | g | a | x | x |
Although our Minor Key flutes are typically optimized to play the Minor Pentatonic scale, they can also play the Major scale by using the above fingering. For example, an A-minor flute can also play the C-major scale when you start the scale with the bottom hole open. This avoids the problematic Half-holing of the alternative approach. Although this is an easier fingering, it has two complications:
Minor Key Flute: | Am | B♭m A♯m |
Bm | Cm | D♭m C♯m |
Dm | E♭m D♯m |
Em | Fm | G♭m F♯m |
Gm | A♭m G♯m |
Major scale begins on | C | D♭ C♯ |
D | E♭ D♯ |
E | F | G♭ F♯ |
G | A♭ G♯ |
A | B♭ A♯ |
B |