    T:Scout Vespers (1)
    C:Arranged for NAF by Greg (Akaluga) Jameson
    C:Played Reverently to the tune of O'Tannenbaum
    F|B B2 c|d d d3/2 z/2|d/2c/2d/2 e ^A z/2| c B2 z/2 F/2|
    B/2B/2 z B c| d d3| z/2 d/2c/2d/2 e ^A|c B2 f|
    f d g f|f e2 e|e c f e|e d2-d/2F/2|
    B/2 B3/2 B c|d d2-d/2 z/2| z/2 d/2c/2d/2 e ^A|c B3/2 |]
    W:1) Softly falls the light of day, 
    W:While our campfire fades away. 
    W:Silently each Scout should ask 
    W:Have I done my daily task? 
    W:Have I kept my honor bright? 
    W:Can I guiltless sleep tonight? 
    W:Have I done and have I dared 
    W:Everything to be prepared? 
    W:2) Listen Lord, oh listen Lord, 
    W:As I whisper soft and low. 
    W:Bless my mom and Bless my dad, 
    W:These are things that they should know. 
    W:I will keep my honor Bright, 
    W:The oath and law will be my guide. 
    W:And mom and dad this you should know, 
    W:Deep in my heart I love you so. 
    W:3) Quietly we join as one, 
    W:Thanking God for Scouting fun, 
    W:May we now go on our way. 
    W:Thankful for another day. 
    W:May we always love and share, 
    W:Living in peace beyond compare, 
    W:As Scouts may we find, 
    W:Friendships true with all mankind. 
    W:4) Quietly we now will part, 
    W:Pledging ever in our heart, 
    W:To strive to do our best each day, 
    W:As we travel down life's way. 
    W:Happiness we'll try to give, 
    W:Trying a better life to live, 
    W:Till all the world 
    W:Be joined in love, 
    W:Living in peace under skies above. 


Note: The Boy Scout Vespers is a traditional song of the Boy Scouts of America. Vespers are typically sung at the conclusion of the day or service, such as at the end of a campfire service.