R. Carlos Nakai collaborated with Peter Kater's soundtrack for 'How the west was lost' (Amazon.com). On track 3, 'The West', Nakai plays a melody that follows a simple scale (32221), which adds one sorrowful note to the Starter scale.
Adding two more pitches to 'The West' scale creates a scale (3222122) which can be found found on Peter Phippen's album, 'Night Song' (Amazon.com). Track 5, 'Lullaby',also known as 'Lubbock Lullaby', has a nearly haunting sound.
Besides playing on a flute that is halfway between a E and E-flat, Peter plays the initial part of the lullaby with just 3 pitches. These pitches can be found in harmonic progression of bugle calls. The bugle scale (543) is constructed with half of the pitches found within this lullaby.
The familiar bugle piece, Taps, is constructed from these few notes. This scale is very easy on by keeping the center two holes covered and opening the remaining holes from bottom to top.